Cover synopsis: Macon Leary is a travel writer who hates both travel and anything out of the ordinary. He is grounded by loneliness and an unwillingness to compromise his creature comforts when he meets Muriel, a deliciously peculiar dog-obedience trainer who up-ends Macon’s insular world–and thrusts him headlong into a remarkable engagement with life.
I waffled back and forth on what to rate this book. On the one hand, I found it depressing, and I didn't agree with many of the choices the characters made. I also found it predictable -- sad lonely stick-in-the-mud is taught how to live by a crazy vivacious woman! However, I did find the character development fascinating, the story well-written, and many situations that made me stop and think about how I would handle that situation.
I read this for my book club. One person has already told me she LOVES this book. Another one told me she DETESTED the book. Should be a pretty interesting discussion next week!