Rating: 4 stars
Cover synopsis: How one man nearly lost his sanity, spent a fortune, and endured an existential crisis in the quest for the perfect garden.
This is a humorous account of one man's obsession with his garden. Anyone who loves to garden will relate to it and laugh right along. As will the women (or men) who married such madness, in my case. As I was reading, I kept saying, "this sounds like my husband wrote this!"
It drives me crazy when I read news articles about saving money that advise gardening. Because anyone who has actually gardened knows that you don't save ANY money with a garden. In fact, you'll spend at least ten times as much money as you would have at the grocery store, and a hundred times the vegetables' worth in hard labor. And Alexander drives home this point well. But where he really excells is in his psychological self-evaluation. Why he gardens, what drives him to garden, and why, no matter what challenges get in his way, he simply cannot stop. A fun read.