Rating: 5 stars
Cover synopsis: A mysterious event is supposed to take place at Hogwarts this year, involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years.
This is the pivotal novel in the Harry Potter series. Things get darker and more dangerous for Harry and the rest of the wizarding world as Lord Voldemort returns. And it's getting harder to descern friend from foe.
That's not to say the novel is all seriousness and no fun. I love the way Rowling effortlessly weaves humor in. The Weasley's picking up Harry from the Dursley's Fred and George's antics, Rita Skeeter and the oblivious love triangle between Ron, Hermione and Viktor Krum kept the mood balanced nicely.
The final chapter in this book is appropriately titled "The Beginning." Now to begin on the next...