Rating: 5 stars
Cover synopsis: The writer finds himself in Hell boarding a bus bound for Heaven. The amazing opportunitiy is that anyone who wants to stay in Heaven, can. Lewis's revolutionary idea is that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside.
I read this book back in February. My book club was reading it for August, though, and I wanted to re-read it. So I'm counting it again!
This book only gets better on the second reading. I didn't spend so much time stumbling around the allegory, but I could dive right into the meat of these conversations between the angels of Heaven and their visitors. It opened my eyes to the vices and characteristics that might keep me from progressing in the eternities. The big, overarching one: Pride. Other obstacles: Unforgiving, selfish, unloving, disdain for truth, nagging, etc... Extremely fascinating. Again.