Rating: 4 stars
Cover synopsis: You can stop fighting with your children! This book gives you the know-how you need to be more effective with your children and more supportive of yourself.
We all have those moments as parents where we feel that we have become the worst version of ourselves. And what huge force drove us to the edge? A 2-year-old.
I've felt like I've had an especially short fuse lately, and I decided I needed to regroup. This book came highly recommended, so I gave it a try. And I enjoyed it. I particularly liked that it wasn't so much about how to manipulate your children to do what you want (like so many parenting books out there). This book is all about treating your kids with more RESPECT, and they'll respond to you more favorably. For instance, if your boss at worked talked to you like you talk to your kids, you'd probably rebel too!
I enjoyed the numerous examples, funny cartoons and worksheets that came with this book. I felt like I was taking a hands-on course as I read instead of simply reading about the authors' philosophies. I tried a couple of the techniques and they had good success. But I'm still on the fence about the "no punishment" rule, and I still have no idea what to do about my 4 year old who refuses to go to bed... Sigh.