Rating: 3 stars
Cover synopsis: Struggling to graduate from NYU, Nanny takes a position caring for the only son of the wealthy X family. She rapidly learns the insane amount of juggling involved to ensure that a Park Avenue wife, who doesn't work, cook, clean, or raise her own child, has a smooth day.
As a funny satire of the uber-rich NYC set, this book had it moments. I found myself rooting for Nanny and Grayer, her charge.
Though, even as a mom, I wondered if I would have the fortitude to withstand some of the situations Nanny found herself in. The humiliation, degredation and utter lack of respect was maddening -- no, it wasn't from the 4-year-old child as you would expect. It was at the hands of the child's parents, particularly his mother.
The book did a good job of describing the feeling of being torn in two directions. On the one hand, wanting to quit because the mother is so hard to work for. But on the other hand, not wanting to leave the child alone with such inconsiderate, petty and distant parents. At the end I'm relieved Nanny got out of there, but heartsick that the child is left behind.