Rating: 4 stars
Cover Synopsis: Captain Caleb Holt lives by the firefighter adage: Never leave your partner behind. However, after seven years of marriage, he and his wife have drifted so far apart that Catherine wishes she had never married. As divorce looms, Caleb's father challenges him to a 40-day experiment he calls "The Love Dare."
For this book, the author novelized the screenplay of a movie. I haven't seen the movie, but after reading the book, I've added it to my Netflix queue. The book reads a lot like a screenplay -- at times I got the feeling certain parts would have made a lot more sense on the big screen than the way it was written. And the writing here isn't a masterpiece.
Still, it told the story well and it got the point across: That in order to truly love someone else, you need to love God and see that person as God sees them. And if you want your love to increase, serve that person.
I haven't seen the movie until now because I thought it would be cheesy. And the dramatization of it may prove to be. But still, I like the moral of the story here. I saw myself in some of the characters and it gave me some things to think about. If everyone followed the advice in this book, more marriages would end in happily ever after.